How To Make Decisions

List sequences and books about decision theory

  • Is there some short text that summarizes/lists decision theory concepts and theories?
  • I like the book "Thinking and deciding" though is too long and not that clear on some parts.
  • Recommended readings by CFAR

Simplify concepts and list common vocabulary for a broader/math illiterate audicence

  • Utility, Utility functions

Normative decision theory (the ideal way to take decisions)

  • CEV
  • Timeless decision theory
  • Research state-of-the-art and determine how much of it is relevant

Descriptive decision theory (how humans actually take decisions)

  • Insert stuff about biases here
  • Research state-of-the-art and determine how much of it is actually usefull

Prescriptive decision theory (how to tweak human behaviour to make them it take more useful decisions).

(Is this classification even correct?)

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